Concrete Random + VRK = GaleForceVR

Random Concrete Selfie

Concrete Random thinking style combined with Multimodal learning preference equals complex individual

That's right I'm a Concrete Random thinker and I have a VRK learning profile. What does that mean? Well it means that I am a highly complex individual who has many quirks. Fortunately for me, there is a place like Dev Bootcamp which celebrates quirks rather than dismisses them.

Let's take a look at these individually before we jump to any conclusions here. After all, any fellow multi-modal learners out there will want all the facts before they make a decision about me.

My Thinking Style: Concrete Random

This means that I live in the concrete world of actions and the abstract world of intuition at the same time. I do not accept outside authority for validation and I have a tendency to take a long time to learn things because I want to totally grok it before I make a decision.

As a Concrete Random thinker, I am a great trouble shooter and experimenter. I have a genuine thirst for figuring out what the point of all this is anyway. I tend to have many projects going at the same time, but can have difficulty finishing them.

My best career choices are: Finance, Computers and Mental Health

So, I've got that going for me, which is nice.

My VARK Learning Profile: Multimodal with a score over 30 - VRK

This means that I am the most complicated of all learners. It also means that when I learn something, I grok it. I have little tolerance for half learning something and if a teacher doesn't use multiple modes of communication I feel completely left out.

Multimodal learners with a high score tend to take longer to gain confidence in a subject until they have gathered as much information as possible.

Fixed vs. Growth Mindset

Although I see positives in both fixed and growth mindset philosophies, I have always identified with a Growth Mindset approach. I have always viewed the mind as a muscle that can be improved with daily, weekly, monthly and yearly practice.

In contrast, I grew up in a largely Fixed Mindset world where future success was predicted by past successes. In other words, if you weren't a winner today, you weren't encouraged to continue to pursue that particular activity.

I always knew this was wrong, but it is difficult to shake the Fixed Mindset when those around you have grown up with it and fail to see the world in a different light. I have always worked hard to shed the Fixed Mindset mentality and have used Growth Mindset thinking to vault myself to higher levels over and over in my life.

I also wrote a blog post on this the day before Phase 0 started on my personal portfolio blog site. Check it out if you want to know more about my thoughts on these issues.


Let's do something EPIC!