Values - Affirmation and Stereotype Threat

Values are important at DBC

Focusing on ones values can be an effective strategy in mediating stereotype threat

When I think of the times in my life where I've been the happiest, the proudest, or the most satisfied, the following values come to mind:

  • Integrity
  • Commitment
  • Accomplishment
  • Challenge
  • Confidence
  • Coolness Under Fire
  • Courage
  • Growth
  • Having a Family
  • Honesty
  • Leadership
  • Persistence

Commitment is a very important value to me because many of the above values derive from it. I have seen over and over with my own two eyes how commitment can carry a person to unimaginable heights. In my opinion, it is the most important value for anyone who wishes to be succesful at anything in life.

In general, I try to live up to these values:

Disagree 1 ----- 2 ----- 3 ----- 4 ----- 5 Agree

  • - ----- - ----- - ----- - ----- 5 : Integrity
  • - ----- - ----- - ----- - ----- 5 : Commitment
  • - ----- - ----- - ----- 4 ----- - : Accomplishment
  • - ----- - ----- - ----- 4 ----- - : Challenge
  • - ----- - ----- - ----- - ----- 5 : Confidence
  • - ----- - ----- - ----- - ----- 5 : Coolness Under Fire
  • - ----- - ----- - ----- - ----- 5 : Courage
  • - ----- - ----- - ----- 4 ----- - : Growth
  • - ----- - ----- - ----- - ----- 5 : Having a Family
  • - ----- - ----- - ----- - ----- 5 : Honesty
  • - ----- - ----- - ----- - ----- 5 : Leadership
  • - ----- - ----- - ----- - ----- 5 : Persistence

The last topic that someone asked my advice on was HTML and CSS.

I feel good when I think about my values and I do think this can help to mediate stereotype threat. As I stated in last weeks cultural post, having the ability to change ones state of mind is the best way to deal with stereotype threat. This is another reason that I think commitment is so important. It's about doing all the little things on a daily basis that add up to something big over time. This is what builds confidence in oneself and it is important to remember all of the little steps you have taken when you start to feel stereotype threat or anything else that might make you feel down or marginalized in some way.


Let's do something EPIC!