Gale Van Rossem DBC Blog

My 3 Favorite Websites & Why Visual Design is More Important Than Ever

When I visit a website, there are 3 main things that I look for that will very quickly determine whether or not I will stay on that site.

  1. How easy is it to find whatever I am looking for?
  2. How easy is it to figure out what I should do next?
  3. Is there anything about the site that is interesting enough to keep me around?

At first glance, based on my criteria, it might seem like the visual design of the site isn't very important. After all, I didn't list the visual...[READ MORE]


Kitchen vs. Table

I just watched Shereef Bishay in the famous "Fireside Chat" video. I am so pumped up right now, I might code for 8 more hours straight. It's 7:15pm now, so I don't know where that puts me. I'll let you do the math, 'cause I've got more important Rubyish type things to think about.

All kidding aside, I really am excited right now. I'm tired and a bit frazzled from all of the new knowledge that is swimming around in...[READ MORE]