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My Photoshop wireframe for my re-design index.html page

My blog site re-design

This current version of my site is part of an ongoing re-design for Dev Bootcamp. This post is a reflection on the re-design and the process I used to make it happen.

As it stands, I still have some work to do on the site. I started out with a relatively simple plan that grew a bit more complex as I got into it. As can happen with HTML and CSS, I ran into a few unexpected problems, and I am going to be updating this site more in the following days and weeks to address some of the issues that I ran into.

I spent a great deal of time wireframing the site in Photoshop, and I think I may have actually spent a bit too long on that step. I ended up running out of time to make all of the changes that were necessary.

My wireframe looks good though, and I think I will be able to complete the changes soon and have a slightly cleaner and better design for my site.


Let's do something EPIC!